State of Ohio, Carry Info

With what appeared to be conflicting and/or vague information from the PA Attorney General’s web site and the NRA concerning carrying into Ohio, I emailed the Ohio Attorney General for an up-to-date advisory on the topic. I received the following email reply in reference to my question to the Ohio Attorney General’s office.

I encourage you to read through Ohio’s House Bill 234 to gain a little more insight to the law in Ohio, as with many laws state to state, there are a few issues that differ from Pennsylvania.


July 21, 2015
Dear Bryan,
Thank you for contacting the Ohio Attorney General’s Office with your inquiry surrounding concealed carry.
On March 23, 2015, House Bill 234 went into effect in the State of Ohio. In that bill, it states that if you are in Ohio temporarily with a concealed carry permit, regardless of reciprocity, then that permit would be honored in Ohio.
The Attorney General is empowered to serve as legal counsel for the state and all its departments, boards, and commissions under Ohio Revised Code 109.02.
Again, thank you for contacting our office. If we can ever be of assistance to you in the future, please feel free to contact our office.
Very respectfully yours,

Jason Hill
Constituent Services Supervisor
Constituent Services

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